What Considered Full Coverage Car Insurance

Full coverage car insurance coverage refers to a combination that can provide financial protection if you are involved in an accident or if your vehicle is damaged in other circumstances such as vandalism or extreme weather. Although this package coverage is not required by law it may be required in certain circumstances. It can also help you avoid paying regular car insurance but it doesnt apply to everyone. Understanding what is covered in a full coverage policy can help you decide if it is worth considering.

What Considered Full Coverage Car Insurance

So what does full coverage auto insurance cover? In most cases this includes comprehensive liability and collision compensation. Collision and Comprehensive protects you and your vehicle in the event of an accident. If it turns out that you are at fault in an accident. You pay responsibility for any damage you may cause to others.

Nationwide says its important to realize that comprehensive coverage helps provide better protection but you still have to pay the deductible if you cause an accident. Most states have minimum requirements for liability coverage but you generally have options for collision benefits and comprehensive coverage. You can also decide the deductible amount you are willing to pay.

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Since full coverage is not a type of policy, it technically doesn’t cover anything. The package you build combines the different types of insurance. These include:
1. Liability insurance. This coverage covers damages caused by an accident for which you are responsible. Required by law in all states except New Hampshire.
2. Collision insurance. It covers losses caused by various types of accidents that occur while the vehicle is in motion. Covers if the car hits a railway fence or a lamppost for example.
3. Comprehensive insurance. Covers vehicle damage that is not caused by an accident. This often happens when the car is not moving. For example a tree falls on a car during a rainstorm or when a thief smashes a window.

Do You Need Comprehensive Car Insurance For Old Cars?

Simply put you dont want to pay more for insurance than your car is worth. Consider the following when deciding whether you need full coverage:

Your premium. If your auto insurance premium is 10% or more times the value of your car you may want to consider a liability-only policy. For example if your car has a market value of $5000 and you pay $500 or more per year for full coverage insurance it may not be worth the price.
Your discount. Is your car worth less than your deductible? For example if you have $1000 of comprehensive or collision coverage and your car is only worth $500 it may not make financial sense for you to get this coverage.
You have savings. Even if you have coverage for your vehicle it may still make sense to get full coverage if you do not have the financial resources to pay for your vehicle after an accident regardless of the vehicles age or mileage.

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How To Make Comprehensive Coverage More Affordable

Comprehensive coverage is expensive but there are many things you can do to reduce costs. The first is increasing the deductible for collision and comprehensive insurance which can save you a lot of money. You can then apply for any discounts you are eligible for. Insurance companies offer discounts for things like being a good student of safe driving or taking driving education classes. This can save you $20 on your annual bill.

The last and probably best piece of advice for getting full coverage is to shop around. Comparing buying quotes can save you thousands of dollars a year in auto insurance costs. Were always on the lookout for companies that offer lower prices than any other competitor in any industry – you just have to be diligent enough to find them too.

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Who Need Full Coverage Car Insurance

If you have totaled your vehicle and still have a balance on your car loan you may need a full coverage plan. If you rent a car you need full policy coverage. This means your lender or tenant technically owns the car until you pay off your loan or lease. So they have a financial interest in your car and the policy provides full coverage so that if the car breaks down before the loan is paid off or you return the car at the end of the contract. If you pay a monthly fee. Read your car contract carefully to see if you need full coverage and how much to carry.

Additionally full coverage car insurance is optional. Its worth discussing comprehensive coverage with your insurance company if your familys finances have been completely wiped out by a car accident. But if you have adequate liability insurance and your car is old and not overpriced the cost of additional insurance over time may exceed the cost of repair or replacement so you may want to forego collision and comprehensive coverage.